
Complaints management

We always listen to critical questions, concerns and complaints. We ensure that all reported concerns are investigated. We endeavour to ensure that they are appropriately resolved by the responsible body. We encourage and promote open dialogue with all our stakeholders to develop a mutual understanding of relevant issues and enable meaningful consultation. All information will be treated in strict confidence. The identity of whistleblowers is protected and there is protection against retaliation.


The compliance office is responsible for receiving information and complaints about possible breaches of the Code of Conduct and is the point of contact for all questions relating to the basic rules of this Code of Conduct.


Reports can be sent to the Compliance Office by e-mail or telephone or in writing (anonymously if preferred) in a sealed envelope (please label the envelope “COMPLIANCE”) and send it by post to the Compliance Office:



Tel:  +49 2359 914063


Goletz GmbH


Am Funkenhof 2

58566 Kierspe (Germany)

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