Project transfer

Seamless process for the relocation of tools and production.

Our relocation services enable your production to continue seamlessly when a supplier fails or lacks capacity.

We guarantee a smooth and efficient process throughout the entire project by providing technical and organisational support to ensure high-quality continuation of production and on-time delivery.

Werkzeug reinigen

Our production-accompanying quality management system ensures the high quality of our work. With more than 50 years of experience in the construction of injection moulds, we analyse the current situation with the customer and define a project plan together.

Depending on the progress of the project, we are able to take over complete production series at short notice, continue them or complete remaining series including assembly or finishing.

In accordance with all quality requirements, we take over the mould, check it, clean it, prepare it, repair or optimise it if necessary after a thorough mould analysis. We carry out systematic sampling and identify possible weak points, which are remedied by our experts in consultation with the customer.